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Re: [IDEA] --write-out print body on http error code

From: Bastian Jesuiter via curl-users <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2024 06:59:45 +0200

Thought so.
I'll experiment a bit with existing write out and will try to use the bash
Thanks for the bash snippet though.

On Sat, 27 Jul 2024, 23:33 Daniel Stenberg, <> wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Jul 2024, Bastian Jesuiter wrote:
> > --Fail-with-body will also print the error into the file, but not
> display it
> > in stdout if --out-file (-o) is specified. So the idea is to basically
> only
> > write into file if status code is okay (or similar ) but error into
> stdout
> > when there is one. (So that it may potentially be included into logs)
> Saving to a file or stderr depending on the HTTP response code seems like
> a
> very specific use case to me. A little too specific for my taste.
> It can probably be accomplished with a 4-line shell script wrapper:
> curl --fail-with-body -o save
> if test "$?" -eq "22"; then
> cat save >&2
> rm save
> fi
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Received on 2024-07-28