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RE: umask/permissions for uploaded files via sftp

From: Kepa \(Lan-1000 S.L.\) via curl-users <"Kepa>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 11:51:00 +0100

It is a send to a REST type webservice. A POST is made with the TLS 1.2
The submission consists of a header with json data, the digital certificate
and a body with the file to be sent.

The authorization has to be done by the server.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: curl-users <> En nombre de Daniel
Stenberg via curl-users
Enviado el: martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020 11:26
Para: Johannes via curl-users <>
CC: Daniel Stenberg <>;
Asunto: Re: umask/permissions for uploaded files via sftp

On Tue, 24 Nov 2020, Johannes via curl-users wrote:

> I haven?t found a solution to set default file permissions for
> uploading files. I wonder if curl respectively the client is
> responsible for setting the permissions or is that the job of the
receiving server?

It depends on *how* you upload it, mostly which protocol.

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Received on 2020-11-24