Website Editing Guidelines

How to build

Documented in the website's GitHub repository.

To think of

The pages are preprocessed before they are finalized. The preprocessor is a simple C-style one, but please take care so that #if and #ifdefs have an ending #endif and so on.

The website contents is synced automatically from git every 20 minutes. Even if you fix a mistake, it will stay that way at least until next update. Do not panic!

The site is hosted by CDN front-ends that fetch content from the master server and cache it. It makes some updates to the content to take a while until truly visible to end users.

Lots of content come from the source repository

Large portions of the website is generated content that comes from the source code repository (often as markdown). The website build directory needs a symlink to a checkout for that purpose.

Lot of content is also generated data/tables etc that uses content from the source repository and that rerun the scripts when the source changes. The Makefiles of course have all the details.

What to edit/update

Add news items whenever you have interesting "news" you think the curl community might enjoy. The news section also serves a purpose of making it apparent that the site is living. Try to follow the tradition and style of previous news items. Note the use of the macros.

The download page is maintained at dl and needs special access rights.

Edit bad language use, bad spelling or confusing use of words.

If the problem is in a page out of control from the website, chances are that the page is generated automatically from a file in the source code archive and then that file could be corrected instead.

Pull requests

Submit proposed changes as regular pull-requests. CI jobs will do basic verifications.

Not in the git repo

Site content that is not mirrored and thus only available from