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Re: First weekend in May 2025?

From: Daniel Gustafsson via curl-meet <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 23:44:17 +0200

> On 14 Jul 2024, at 17:41, James Fuller via curl-meet <> wrote:
>> On 14. 7. 2024, at 13:58, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 6 May 2024, wrote:
>> Hi Jim!
>> Did you ever get a chance to check this out?
> Yes 2 places
> One we pay for in Zizkov/Karlin (pretty much guaranteed for 2 days for ~3k euro )
> And I (Red Hat has a research office here) am going to Faculty of Electrical Engineering CTU in Prague next week to see if they would want to provide us a room for free.

Free is good, assuming we can sort out some form of catering which works with
the university requirements.

Daniel Gustafsson
curl-meet mailing list
Received on 2024-07-15