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Re: Help us out in the curl project

From: Samuel Henrique via curl-library <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 18:59:28 +0000

Hello Daniel,

> ## test curl from git master in your project
> We struggled with the fact that a lot of our code is only really and properly
> tested once we ship a new release. It would be much better for everyone if we
> discovered bugs and regressions earlier - maybe before we release them.
> If you can help us test curl in your environment/product a few weeks *before*
> the next pending release just to verify that everything looks great, it would
> be much appreciated. Maybe use a daily build [3] ?

This is something we could help from the Debian side, our test coverage for
curl is quite extensive and there have been at least 4 recent regressions
caught by it, although by the time I got to them you had already either
resolved them on git or had an issue open.

I could package a pre-GA release to Debian experimental and get these results
early, but would there be anyone from the curl project willing to help
reviewing possible failures? I can do an initial review to filter out clear
false-positives, if any, but I can't promise to have enough time to investigate
the failures.

Regarding what to ship, it would be ideal if there was an rc release rather
than daily snapshots, this way I can at least have some confidence that
breakages are less expected/less common at that point. Not having rc releases
is fine, but then at what point in the development cycle should I do the
packaging for Debian experimental? Assume that it would take roughly 2 days
until all builds and all tests are run.


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>
Received on 2025-01-29