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Re: Feature Proposal: Support for additional environment variables for proxy authentication in libcurl

From: Marin Hannache via curl-library <>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 23:31:04 +0200


On 08/08/2024 23:14, Jörn Franke via curl-library wrote:
> Just maybe some possible drawback with Kerberos authentication: I
> noticed that in several libraries you need to specify an empty string as
> username and password for making Kerberos authentication work (it seems
> some set null and then it does not work), so we need to make sure for
> certain type of authentication mechanisms that username and password can
> be sert to an empty string.

FYI this should no longer be necessary since v8.3.0[1]



Marin Hannache
Received on 2024-08-08