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RE: [Question] How to convince libcurl to output verbose

From: Randall via curl-library <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 08:53:45 -0400

On Wednesday, July 10, 2024 5:47 AM, Daniel Stenberg wrote:
>On Tue, 9 Jul 2024, Randall via curl-library wrote:
>> I have a situation where I have a proxy using libcurl taking commands
>> from git. The connection is failing but I cannot determine why. What
>> would help is being able to turn on verbose output in libcurl. The
>> difficulty I have I that the code is not within my control. Is there a
>> command line or setting in .curlrc that will enable verbose output?
>There is no outside way to force libcurl to be verbose other than using the
>Thus, the application needs to enable it.
>In git's case, they offer the GIT_CURL_VERBOSE variable that enables
>verbose mode.
>Mentioned here:

Thanks. I should have seen that. Appreciate the help.

Received on 2024-07-10