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Please tell me the compile option.

From: Ting Huang via curl-and-python <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 12:27:16 +0900

Sorry for my English. I hope you can understand my email.
I met a problem when I used "pycurl-7.45.3-cp312-cp312-win_amd64.whl" in My
Windows11 PC.
Sometime the Error of "Could not resolve host :****" or "Could not resolve
host:****" is happend.
but almost time it worked normally.
Now. I try to read the libCurl souce to search reasons.
Can you tell me when you build libcrul which opetion was used.

If you can tell me the possible causes of Error, I will be very happy.
Thank you.

curl-and-python mailing list
Received on 2024-07-25