cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Problem with 64 vs 32 bit header files for iOS build

Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 14:38:37 +0000


I just moved my Win32 curl code to xCode and I am having an issue some of the checks in the curl headers.

I have used for building curl and it does produce two sets of header files, one for 64 bit and one for 32 bit. If I choose the 64 bit headers it works fine on the new iPhones but not on the 4s and the other way around.

The failing point is these checks:

curlrules.h:143:6: '__curl_rule_01__' declared as an array with a negative size

curlrules.h:153:6: '__curl_rule_02__' declared as an array with a negative size

The fat lib contains all the architectures as expected.

I understand the concept of that these defines:


Will be different for the different architectures but I have never encountered a situation where I need to use different header files.

I picked the biasedbit script since it built and lipo'd all the architectures with no effort but I am not sure how to resolve this issue with the header definitions.

All suggestions appreciated


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Received on 2016-02-10