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Lib Curl not uploading file while FTPS

From: vamsi <>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 15:54:15 +0530

After so much discussion I with you guys i could at last make FTPS using lib-curl,but now i have landed into another problem.
The whole control connection is established between my FTPS Server(Glub Tech Secure FTP Wrapper) and the lib-curl client.All the certificate validation is done as well and the user has logged into my FTP Server over which the wrapper runs.But the problem is it creates the file in FTP Directory(Server side) and however after that it simply Stay's calm for sometime( A minute or two) and gives an error "Operation Timed Out".I am sending you the attachment of the file and I have downloaded the DLL from which is just the dll not the library.
My Wrapper logs show these messages(Dont know what to be trimmed off so i was giving the entire transmission summary).
2004-12-06 15:35:03,947: INFO: Connection from vamsi.APPIQ.COM (
2004-12-06 15:35:04,385: DEBUG: waiting for line from server (1)
2004-12-06 15:35:04,385: DEBUG: line from server = 220 Service ready for new user
2004-12-06 15:35:04,385: DEBUG: waiting 300 seconds for line from client
2004-12-06 15:35:04,385: DEBUG: line from client = USER xxxxx
2004-12-06 15:35:04,385: DEBUG: waiting for line from server (1)
2004-12-06 15:35:04,385: DEBUG: line from server = 331 User name okay, need password for APPIQManagerUser
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: waiting 300 seconds for line from client
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: line from client = PASS ********
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: waiting for line from server (1)
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: line from server = 230 User logged in, proceed
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: INFO: Login from vamsi.APPIQ.COM (
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: waiting 300 seconds for line from client
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: line from client = PBSZ 0
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: pbsz match, $1 = 0
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: waiting 300 seconds for line from client
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: line from client = PWD
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: waiting for line from server (1)
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: line from server = 257 "/" is current directory
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: waiting 300 seconds for line from client
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: line from client = EPSV
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: waiting for line from server (1)
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: line from server = 502 Command EPSV not implemented
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: waiting 300 seconds for line from client
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: line from client = PASV
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: got pasv command
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: waiting for line from server (1)
2004-12-06 15:35:04,400: DEBUG: line from server = 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,100,23,14,171)
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: pasvInfo = 192,168,100,23,12,162
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: returned from data handler
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: waiting 300 seconds for line from client
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: before accept in DataHandler::run
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: after accept in DataHandler::run
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: waiting for direction
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: line from client = TYPE I
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: read from server
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: notifying thread of direction
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: waiting for line from server (1)
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: line from server = 200 Command TYPE okay
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: waiting 300 seconds for line from client
2004-12-06 15:35:04,432: DEBUG: transmit direction = read from server
2004-12-06 15:35:04,447: DEBUG: transmitter started
2004-12-06 15:35:04,447: DEBUG: line from client = STOR winzip.log
2004-12-06 15:35:04,447: DEBUG: waiting for line from server (1)
2004-12-06 15:35:04,447: DEBUG: line from server = 150 File status okay; about to open data connection
2004-12-06 15:35:04,447: DEBUG: waiting for line from server (2)
2004-12-06 15:35:04,447: DEBUG: starting transmitData
2004-12-06 15:40:52,081: DEBUG: transmitData before notify
2004-12-06 15:40:52,081: DEBUG: transmitData after notify
2004-12-06 15:40:52,081: DEBUG: transmitter stopped
2004-12-06 15:40:52,081: DEBUG: line from server = 451 Requested action aborted. Local error in processing
2004-12-06 15:40:52,081: DEBUG: waiting 300 seconds for line from client
2004-12-06 15:40:52,081: DEBUG: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
2004-12-06 15:40:52,081: DEBUG: close connection

Am i missing something guys?Waiting for your reply

Received on 2004-12-06