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Re: cURL SSL connection problem with GlubTech FTP Wrapper

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 12:55:08 -0700

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 03:39:11PM -0400, Peter Vlasman wrote:
> SPARC Solaris 8
> curl 7.18.1
> Good day,
> I have a problem uploading a file to a Glub Tech Server. It appears this has
> been a problem for a while based on the archives (Archive-2006-05/0036.html and
> more recently archive-2008-05/0010.html).
> My symptoms are the same, when the data transfer over the data port starts the
> SSL handshake times out, waiting for a response from the server.
> I installed an evaluation copy of Glub Tech CLI and was surprised the upload
> was successful. (Validated the Network guys opened the ports)
> Apparently, Glub Tech recently found the problem with the FTP wrapper and the
> fix is in version 3.0.3 released. (July 21, 2008).

That's good news.

> The problem seems to be around the order of the calls being made to the server.
> My question, is more a request. I know it's early but do you know when I could
> get a beta version of cURL that uses 3.0.3 FTP Wrapper to validate whether this
> fixes my problem.
> I'm open to other suggestions.

The Glub Tech wrapper wraps the server, not the client. Nothing in curl needs
to change to take advantage of this fix.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2008-07-23