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cURL SSL connection problem with GlubTech FTP Wrapper

From: Peter Vlasman <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 15:39:11 -0400

SPARC Solaris 8
curl 7.18.1

Good day,

I have a problem uploading a file to a Glub Tech Server. It appears this has been a problem for a while based on the archives (Archive-2006-05/0036.html and more recently archive-2008-05/0010.html).

My symptoms are the same, when the data transfer over the data port starts the SSL handshake times out, waiting for a response from the server.

I installed an evaluation copy of Glub Tech CLI and was surprised the upload was successful. (Validated the Network guys opened the ports)

Apparently, Glub Tech recently found the problem with the FTP wrapper and the fix is in version 3.0.3 released. (July 21, 2008).
The problem seems to be around the order of the calls being made to the server.

My question, is more a request. I know it's early but do you know when I could get a beta version of cURL that uses 3.0.3 FTP Wrapper to validate whether this fixes my problem.

I'm open to other suggestions.

List admin:
Received on 2008-07-23