RE: HTTPS POST with Reply
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 13:45:42 -0700
Kevin -
Two issues I see here.
1. I have committed a CLM (Career Limiting Move) if I posted all that username, password, URL entry.
If there is a moderator that can edit and blank that out, I may retain a job.
2. I don't see the new password returned.
From: [] On Behalf Of Kevin Carothers
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 1:29 PM
To: the curl tool
Subject: Re: HTTPS POST with Reply
On 9/15/06, Lamar, Dave <> wrote:
Dan -
Nope. The ip comes back with -
curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host
'userid= XXXXXXXX &password= XXXXXXXX &command=requestnewpassword'
curl: (51) SSL: certificate subject name ' <> ' does
not match target host name ''
Aha! Information!
Almost exactly as I said earlier- your website is redirecting you.
When I send your info:
$curl -k "" -d "userid= XXXXXXXX &password= XXXXXX &command=requestnewpassword"
...I get
<script language='javascript'>
location.replace ("");
...and THEN when I use that provided url:
Q:\Felts_06>curl -v -k "" -d "userid= XXXXXXXX &password= XXXXXXX &command=requestnewpassword"
...I get:
Meth od Not Allowed
< Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 20:24:11 GMT
< Content-length: 124
< Content-type: text/html
< Allow: HEAD, GET
.so- trying the GET MEthod....
$curl -v " XXXXXXX &password= XXXXXXX &command=requestnewpassword <> "
... this appears to work....
Received on 2006-09-15