cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: curl-7.10.1: recent 'stunnel' version breaks tests

From: Roth, Kevin P. <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 08:18:03 -0400

Unless you need to make changes to the curl source code, I suggest you simply download a BINARY build from There are a couple of pre-built Win32 versions available. Be sure to choose the one which includes SSL, but not the Cygwin one (unless you use Cygwin of course...).

Unzip the package (anywhere), and (if you want to be able to use it from DOS or shell windows without a full path) place curl.exe somewhere in your path (C:\Winnt\ is a good choice if you don't have any better idea).

For an SSL version, you also need the OpenSSL download, which is available at the bottom of the downloads page. Unzip it, and copy the 2 .DLL files into your path (C:\winnt\).

curl.exe (the command line version of curl) can be used anywhere you can use command-line arguments. A DOS window, from a perl program, etc. I'm not sure what you mean by an HTML program, however there are interfaces to the curl library that can be used from various scripting languages, including Perl, that may be of use on a web server.


-----Original Message-----
From: Yuping He []
Sent: Mon 10/21/02 4:16 AM

My questions and requests are:

1. where can I get the correct minGW32 version for WIN-NT?
2. which curl version for WIN-NT shall I download? (I have
   already got several curl version)
3. have you still install guide with precise description (step by step?)
4. in which windows can be used curl command line, e.g. in
   DOS-or shell-windows or in HTML programme ...?

Sorry I not Internet expert, but I am competent for the Security of data
transferring. I want to use curl is only for SSL (HTTPS).

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