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curl on windows

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 14:15:02 +0200 (MET DST)

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Yuping He wrote:

[Please use a sensible subject when posting, just replying a random post
makes things just look weird.]

> I have agreed the problem by curl installation. I have tried to install
> curl on the WIN-NT-platform according to the following install instruction:

[cut out a big instruction we all can read in docs/INSTALL]

> At first I have not fund the minGW32 file in the unpacked files. I think
> that is a independent SW. Then I tried to find out this SW in Internet. I
> am sorry to say that I have not yet fund appropriate minGW32.

So, why not build with a compiler that you have and can use then?

> 1. where can I get the correct minGW32 version for WIN-NT?

> 2. which curl version for WIN-NT shall I download? (I have already got
> several curl version)

To do what? The command line tool only? Then you simply get the latest curl
win32 package. It runs on all windows versions:

> 3. have you still install guide with precise description( step by step?)

You mean how to compile your own curl from source?

Have you tried? How did you do and at what stage did it fail?

> 4. in which windows can be used curl command line, e.g. in DOS-or
> shell-windows or in HTML programme ...?

curl is a command line tool. There's no DOS version available AFAIK, but you
can use it on every windows version there is. I don't know what
"shell-windows" is and I don't know what "in HTML programme" means.

> Sorry I not Internet expert, but I am competent for the Security of data
> transferring. I want to use curl is only for SSL (HTTPS).

So get the SSL-enabled version and get the OpenSSL DLLs.

 Daniel Stenberg -- curl, cURL, Curl, CURL. Groks URLs.
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Received on 2002-10-21