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Re: curl-7.10.1: recent 'stunnel' version breaks tests

From: Yuping He <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 10:16:15 +0200 (MEST)


good morning.

I have agreed the problem by curl installation. I have tried to install curl
on the WIN-NT-platform according to the following install instruction:
With SSL:
MingW32 (GCC-2.95) style

        Run the 'mingw32.bat' file to get the proper environment variables
        set, then run 'make mingw32-ssl' in the root dir.
        If you have any problems linking libraries or finding header files,
        sure to look at the provided "Makefile.m32" files for the proper
        paths, and adjust as necessary.
      Cygwin style
        Haven't done, nor got any reports on how to do. It should although
        identical to the unix setup for the same purpose. See above.
      Microsoft command line style
        Please read the OpenSSL documentation on how to compile and install
        the OpenSSL libraries. The build process of OpenSSL generates the
        libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll files in the out32dll subdirectory in
        the OpenSSL home directory. OpenSSL static libraries (libeay32.lib,
        ssleay32.lib, RSAglue.lib) are created in the out32 subdirectory.
        Run the 'vcvars32.bat' file to get a proper environment. The
        vcvars32.bat file is part of the Microsoft development environment
        you may find it in 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
        provided that you installed Visual C/C++ 6 in the default directory.
        Before running nmake define the OPENSSL_PATH environment variable
        the root/base directory of OpenSSL, for example:
          set OPENSSL_PATH=c:\openssl-0.9.6b
        Then run 'nmake vc-ssl' or 'nmake vc-ssl-dll' in curl's root
        directory. 'nmake vc-ssl' will create a libcurl static and dynamic
        libraries in the lib subdirectory, as well as a statically linked
        version of curl.exe in the src subdirectory. This statically linked
        version is a standalone executable not requiring any DLL at
        runtime. This make method requires that you have the static OpenSSL
        libraries available in OpenSSL's out32 subdirectory.
        'nmake vc-ssl-dll' creates the libcurl dynamic library and
        links curl.exe against libcurl and OpenSSL dynamically.
        This executable requires libcurl.dll and the OpenSSL DLLs
        at runtime.
      Microsoft / Borland style
        If you have OpenSSL, and want curl to take advantage of it, edit
        project properties to use the SSL include path, link with the SSL
        and define the USE_SSLEAY symbol.

Disabling Specific Protocols:

      The configure utility, unfortunately, is not available for the Windows
      environment, therefore, you cannot use the various disable-protocol
      options of the configure utility on this platform.
      However, you can use the following defines to disable specific
      HTTP_ONLY disables all protocols except HTTP
      If you want to set any of these defines you have the following
      - Modify lib/setup.h
      - Modify lib/Makefile.vc6
      - Add defines to Project/Settings/C/C++/General/Preprocessor
        in the curllib.dsw/curllib.dsp Visual C++ 6 IDE project.

At first I have not fund the minGW32 file in the unpacked files. I think
that is a independent SW. Then I tried to find out this SW in Internet. I am
sorry to say that I have not yet fund appropriate minGW32.

My questions and requests are:

1. where can I get the correct minGW32 version for WIN-NT?
2. which curl version for WIN-NT shall I download? (I have already got
several curl version)
3. have you still install guide with precise description( step by step?)
4. in which windows can be used curl command line, e.g. in DOS-or
shell-windows or in HTML programme ...?

Sorry I not Internet expert, but I am competent for the Security of data
transferring. I want to use curl is only for SSL (HTTPS).

Can anybody help me speedily?

Waiting for feedback


Yu-Ping He

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Received on 2002-10-21