cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


C++ Wrapper for Curl 7.9.8

From: Nicholas Parson <>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 11:09:28 -0400

Hi everyone,

I downloaded and installed curl 7.9.8 successfully on my rh 7.3 linux
After this I downloaded the curlcpp zip file from the link that was posted
on the curl web site. I noticed a file in that archive named
"testcurlcpp.cp". In this
file I found a #include <GUSICommandLine.h> directive. When I tried to
this program with g++ -E testcurlcpp.cp I got a error from the compiler
saying that
the GUSICommandLine.h file could not be found on my system. Is this
header file
supposed to come with curl or what??? It seems to be using a function
similiar to
the builtin getopt() function...

Thanks for any help in advance =)

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Received on 2002-09-22