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Re: Curl::easy and cookies over proxy [SOLVED]

From: Björn Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 15:18:09 +0100 (CET)

Cris Bailiff wrote:

> Also, you never actually said which Curl::easy and/or libcurl you are using

I installed curl 7.9.5 and Curl::easy 1.20. And at least that's what I
*thought* I was using. But after cleaning out the RH7.0 curl installation
and reinstalling everything again, the problem vanished.

Sorry for the runaround, guys. And thanks for the help.

Still, it would be nice to not have to create a cookie.jar file. I have no
use for my cookies after cleanup(), and I would like to be able to modify
them between perform()s. A @cookies array would be ideal.

Received on 2002-03-19