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Re: Curl::easy and cookies over proxy

From: Cris Bailiff <>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 00:10:49 +1100

In addition to Daniels' 'white box' approach, you should try the easy 'black box'
stuff first:

Fire up 'ethereal' and set it to watch the network between you and your
destination (and the proxy). Are the cookies in the reply via the proxy? curl
can't save them if they didn't arrive.

Next, 'strace' is your friend - set it to give you nice long strings on each
input and output, and see what is fed into and out of libcurl, and if there is
any attempt to do 'stuff' with files...

Also, you never actually said which Curl::easy and/or libcurl you are using -
it's better if we're all talking about the same version. Curl::easy has been
improving in its ability to adapt to the options offered by your version of curl.
Try 1.20 if you can, as it will adjust to exactly your curl version, without any
manual tweaking. If you are trying 1.1.8 or 1.1.9, you might need to read the
README to get it to rebuild for your curl version. I can't see what the proxy
option could affect, assuming CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR is supported in the first place,


Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Björn Stenberg wrote:
> > How do I debug this?
> Ok, first wear a hard hat. Then fire up gdb on your perl executable and
> proceed as following (these suggestions are from a previous mail posted by
> Bjorn Reese off the top of his head. If there's any factual errors I am the
> one to blame for forwarding this without checking more first):
Received on 2002-03-19