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can curl do it?

From: Erik <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 13:18:47 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings Curl Hackers,

I'm doing some research for one of our developers..

We need an application we can write scripts with and do some bench
marking, and functionality testing. We were going to use Apache Bench
mark.. but it's limited on features, and doesn't support SSL.

We're going to be testing tons of things.. Some of them are:

Web site that has heavy cookie usage
Uploads of files to a web site.. and downloading results of upload
Logging into web site (and have dozens of logins at a time)
Testing how fast we can grab the pages.

I thought maybe we would just use Curl for the SSL portion, but that
wouldn't be very accurate to compare against apache bench, since they
would use different methods and are different codes.

Basically, we will probably test every feature of the website with it. The
website is done mostly in java in the backend, with apache and resin..
However, I don't think the backend specifics really have too much to do
with this post..

Do you guys think it is a tool good enough for this?

(Yes I did read the faq, and I do see the features.. I do see the "What
curl is not" section..

I just need some advise from you people that are using it every day :P


Erik Parker
Received on 2001-07-27