cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: SSL, X.509 and cURL (sending XML)

From: Nielsen Linus <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 08:55:56 +0200

> >Eeeh. Curl does not care at all about the contents of the files it
> >sends. What makes you think that it has problems with the "
> characters?
> <
> ></Linus
> Well, in 'verbose' mode (where I can see what it is doing) it sends
> anything included in the ".....". if I do not specify "..."
> then it stops
> sending after the first blank space (the same applies to the custom
> headers). So I have to include the "" to force curl to
> accept the blank spaces in my xml file....

OK, can you give me an example of how the file looks like?
And preferrably the full command line you are using?

Received on 2001-07-17