cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


curl uploading to tandem mainframe

From: Rasmus Christian Kaae <>
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 17:30:32 +0100

Hello mailinglist,

I am trying to use curl for transferring files from my local pc to our
Tandem mainframe server. The downloading seems to work just fine, but I am
having some difficulties with the uploading part.

I have tried two different ways:

1) curl --upload-file rck -u xxx:xxx ftp://nuser/PSSRCUXL.rck
- which resultet in a binary mess on the mainframe server, though the file
was uploaded in the right place.

2) curl --use-ascii --upload-file rck -u xxx:xxx ftp://nuser/PSSRCUXL.rck
- which gives me the following error message "curl: (25) Failed FTP upload:
Error: Improper filecode (0) for Ascii type"

Thanks in advance.

Rasmus Christian Kaae
TietoEnator A/S
Received on 2001-03-06