cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Borland Log attached

From: Mel Smith <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 09:53:44 -0600

Hi Daniel:

> Indeed. Fixed now and a brand new snapshot is there!

    I installed the new snapshot, and I got a *lot* farther in the Borland
build sequence this time !

    However, I crashed after all compiles completed, but during the link
stage because of an undefined external: ' WSAIoctl '

    I'm attaching the lengthy borland.log of the build sequence, and also my
short make_b32.bat build batch file that I created for testing

    I'm using an older established version of the Borland C/C++ compiler :
BCC 5.8.2 on my Win XP (sp3) machine

    However, I have on my machine BCC 6.5 and BCC 6.6 (the latest version
from Embarcadero). Both of these don't work because of a duplicate 'pollfd'

Thank you.

-Mel Smith

List admin:

Received on 2013-05-13