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Re: Autobuilds and on Windows

From: Adam Light <>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 10:20:11 -0700

On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Guenter <> wrote:
> Am 19.08.2010 21:03, schrieb Adam Light:
>> But from what I can tell has a bug in it that prevents it
>> from working correctly on Windows.
>> started to run and then after printing out a bunch of
>> stuff, the following printed:
>> testcurl: display lib/curl_config-win32.h
>> lib/curl_config-win32.h: No such file or directory at
>> line 571. (.... represents the full path to the file)
> FTM a simple workaround is to just make a copy of config-win32.h to
> curl_config-win32.h


Thanks for your reply. I had to work on another project for a bit so
I'm just now getting back to this.

I copied config-win32.h to curl_config-win32.h and that fixed the
original problem.

Now I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to get the script to compile curl successfully. I have never had to
mess with Makefiles myself, so I'm not exactly sure how the whole
business works.

If I open a command shell which has git enabled and the visual studio
variables for compiling a 32 bit version (x86) set, and then do:
  curl\test\ --target=vc

I get all kinds of warnings from Visual Studio about the compiler
flags being obsolete. Libcurl itself compiles and links successfully,
but curl.exe does not link. The error I get is:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _S_ISREG reference in
function _operate.

Since I'm using VC9, not VC6 (the default when vc is used as the
target), I figured that these compiler flag warnings and possible the
link error could be due to using the wrong version of the makefile.

So I tried doing the following:
  curl\test\ --target=vc9

This printed:
  "generate lib/Makefile.vc9"
  "generate src/Makefile.vc9"
testcurl: libcurl was not created (libcurl.lib)

I think the problem is that the make command that the script is using is this:
  nmake -i vc9

However if I manually do what the script is doing, I need
to use the following commands to get things to build:
  nmake -i vc9
  nmake /f Makefile.vc9 CFG=release

I'm not sure what the best way is to modify to get this
right, or if there is a simpler way to get this to work that I'm

Thanks for any help
List admin:
Received on 2010-08-31