AW: [[w3-spam]] - Re: cURL hangs - Die E-Mail weist bei den Adressen unterschiedliche SMTP-"An:"- und MIME-"An:"-Felder auf.
From: richard oehlinger [celum] <>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 20:02:22 +0200
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 20:02:22 +0200
> Can you please elaborate on how that situation happens in the first place?
> Preferably with a recipe on how we can repeat the problem.
Thats very easy:
1. call curl
# curl http://some.where/huge.file
2. during the transfer put the computer in Stand-By or Hibernate mode
3. wait 3-4 min
4. resume the operating sytem
result: download would hang but not abort with an error message. I assume that is reproducible some way else, but that worked all the time on my site.
> I assume you're using 7.19.6? On what operating system?
yes that's correct, on windows vista, but I had similar problems with older versions and also on Mac OS X 10.5
regards richard
Received on 2009-09-15