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Re: Build using CMake

From: Piotr Dobrogost <>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 17:23:53 +0200

Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Mar 2009, Piotr Dobrogost wrote:
>>> I'm however _open_ for the _discussion_ about it.
>> That's nice. I guess it would be acceptable if scripts generated by
>> CMake were only marginally (not more than 20%?) worse than current
>> auto ones.
> Acceptable for what you mean?

Making CMake acceptable as a viable alternative to auto* tools.
What we lose in build script's quality (this max 20%) we gain in having
one build system for all platforms.
Of course there probably will be people willing not to have worse build
scripts. That's ok but they have to take burden of maintaining these
scripts upon themselves.

> I can only seriously see us drop an existing build option if it lags
> behind and turns unusable. If a particular build system cannot be used,
> it's no use for us bundling it in release archives but as long as
> someone maintains a build system we already have I think that's proof
> enough that the build system makes sense to at least one user and then
> we can just as well keep shipping it.

That's something I agree totally with. It's something I wanted to stress
out too when you wrote about "drowning in options". As long as someone
contributes usable build scripts for _any_ build system they should be
part of the project. In the worst case they could be marked as not up to
date (being unable to build current version of the project) and/or
obsolate but it's easier for someone to update them than to start from

Piotr Dobrogost
*** - c++ wrapper for libcurl ***
Received on 2009-03-30