Re: Build using CMake
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:34:47 +0200
Pierre Joye wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Piotr Dobrogost <> wrote:
>> Guenter wrote:
>>> you can use MSYS standalone with other compilers, f.e. I used MSYS
>>> already with a NetWare cross-gcc which runs on Win32 just to use the
>>> auto-magic...
>> That's what I had in mind. Using auto* tools under Windows to create
>> nmake and other makefiles.
> That would be yet another nightmare to maintain and noone really
> wants to feel this pain :)
> Cheers,
Why do you think so?
There is no problem with using auto* tools on systems supporting them,
now. Right?
The idea is to use the same tools and make use of existing knowledge for
yet another platform - this time Windows. And to use auto* tools under
Windows we need MSYS installed.
I'd love to hear Yang Tse opinion on this. He's working on a new nmake
makefile for the project and should join this discussion. By the way;
how is this work going, Yang?
-- Piotr Dobrogost *** - c++ wrapper for libcurl ***Received on 2009-03-29