cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Build using CMake

From: Piotr Dobrogost <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 23:46:25 +0100

Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> those who'd like the access. Or perhaps it'll even work if one guy
> merges the ideas and patches and does the commits...

Let's try this way.
Sukender, can you manage cvs work?

As to consensus; I think the task is to create as good CMake build
scripts as we can.
Having this CMake build scripts doesn't prevent having the hand written
nmake makefiles as well. This would allow to build curl without using
CMake for those who doesn't want to use it.
In the future we could add scripts so that people used to
this build system could build this way.

Piotr Dobrogost
Received on 2009-03-25