cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail



From: John D <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 16:46:50 +0100


I am trying to decipher some issues dealing with libcurl, ssl,
multithreading, segfaults,
and what I ultimately believe to be the root cause sigpipes. Here is how
this ones goes:

We are using libcurl to to fast acting continual ssl loops using mozilla's
NSS ssl library.
This was utilized for the sake of brevity considering it seems the only
stable implementation that is thread safe.

Our code has seen an even mix of sefaults and sigpipes by way of gdb
This often is reported as being caused by an NSS version check or with
symbols points to the ssl related code.

Our thoughts are that when a libcurl ssl request is being mismatched on a
read and a write
a segfault is generated but that is in fact a broken pipe or sigpipe.

I know this is going to immediately be responsed to by a 3rd party finger
pointing however seeing the thread safety of ssl already gets that
is it possible that anyone knows how to handle an ssl generated sigpipe
in libcurl if only as NSS has no mailing list for this type of question.

I have no idea how to handle an ssl broken pipe without access to the actual
socket and not a curl easy setop for instance.

Sincerely, Thank you,

Received on 2009-03-20