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Re: Grokking ssh (sftp, scp, ...)

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 09:49:01 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, bill bobs wrote:

> Just searching the archives to find out if there has been any movement on
> the SSH/SCP functionality in libcurl and it doesn't look like it to me. Last
> I heard, Daniel was looking for volunteers to help out on the project, of
> which there were none. Correct ? I think I know my limits as a programmer
> and would consider this beyond my capabilities.

This is still the status of SSH-support in libcurl. Nothing has happened and
none has stepped forward. I've taken this as an indication that SSH/SCP/SFTP
support just isn't that hot feature for libcurl.

> I did find another application/library which does include SSH/SCP functions,


> Quote: "cryptlib is distributed under a dual license that allows free,
> open-source use under a GPL-like license and closed-source use under a
> standard commercial license. In addition, cryptlib is free for use in
> low-cost, non-open-source applications such as shareware, and for personal
> and research use."
> I don't know if the license conditions would mean it could be used in curl
> or not - need someone who can actually read and understand license terms to
> determine that.

I am not a lawyer, but...

To call this license "GPL-like" shows a major lack of understanding of what
GPL is and what it stands for.

The license conditions (as stated at the top of this page: are very
suspicious. The page claims this license is OSI certified, but I disagree and
doubt it would be if OSI actually checked it out. In my ears, the third
paragraph effectively stops us from using this lib for SSH use, as libcurl
would be such a wrapper it wants to prevent.

However, that list of conditions are contradicted by the actual license text
that is displayed further down the page, which is the "sleepycat license". It
makes me wondering what the author *actually* wants.

The sleepycat license allows us to use it and wouldn't be in our way. It is
also GPL-compatible.

Personally, I would first have a deep look at OpenSSH and see if we can use
(parts of) that code to build the SSH-oriented support on, since I believe
that is the biggest and most widely used SSH code around.

This is all very theoretical though. I hardly have time to respond to my
emails these days... :-)

      Daniel Stenberg -- --
       Dedicated custom curl help for hire:
Received on 2004-10-19