cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: low performance uploading files

From: Juan Ignacio Hervás <>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 18:47:08 +0100

Thanks RBramante. I have been reading your long discussion about this issue
and I have tested with a buffer size of 16384: the results have been very
bad!! (80 KB/s)
After that, I have downloaded the last version of curl-library (7.10.3)
because I was working with 7.10.3-pre3. Now I have a different problem that
I suppose is a Daniel issue!

I will try to tell you what I have seen in the curl source code:
My code is trying to upload a file resuming a broken upload. The file
pointer I pass to the library with CURLOPT_READDATA is copied to the
variable data-> Then, it is copied to conn->fread_in. That's fine.
But in url.c (line 2595):
conn = conn_temp; /* use this connection from now on */
The file pointer has been lost, so in ftp.c (line 1602) it fails when it
calls the Read function:
           actuallyread = conn->fread (data->state.buffer, 1,
readthisamountnow, conn->fread_in);

I the previous version (7.10.3-pre3) this call was:
           actuallyread = data->set.fread (data->state.buffer, 1,
readthisamountnow, data->;

I have tried to change the pointer from conn->fread_in to data->, but
it does not work (it crash!).

Please, any idea?
Thanks in advance.

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Received on 2003-03-27