cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: curl HTTP cheat sheet

From: Merek Thorondursson <>
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2015 08:23:29 -0700

I hope my first attempt to mail to the group works. I've used cURL
for many years, only from the command line and generally to fetch http
or ftp files. I'm still on a Win98 machine using a dial-up 56K modem
and experience time-outs from many web servers, so I also make quite a
bit of use of RESUME techniques.

Anyway, I thought I'd see what I could do about that HTTP Cheat Sheet
ascii format request. Here is my submission. I'll not be offended if
you don't use it or if you modify it. I made some small changes to
the order of definitions in order to accommodate 80-column consoles.

gmail tends to break up my line lengths from this browser. I found
nothing in the email etiquette section about sending attachments. Can
I send it as a text file? If nothing else, I'll post it here and hope
that IF gmail mangles the line lengths that it's obvious enough to do
some very simple editing to reconstruct it as I wrote it.

Begin file
|Verbose |hide progress |extra info |Write output |
|-v |-s |-w "format" |-O |
|--trace-ascii <file> | | |-o <file> |
|Timeout |POST |multipart formpost |PUT |
|-m <seconds> |-d "string" |-F name=value |-T <file> |
| |-d @file |-F name=@file | |
|HEAD |Custom method |read cookiejar |write cookiejar |
|-I |-X "METHOD" |-b <file> |-c <file> |
|send cookies |Basic auth |user-agent |Use Proxy |
|-b "c=1; d=2" |-u user:password |-A "string" |-x <host:port> |
|Headers, add/remove |follow redirects |gzipped response |Insecure HTTPS |
|-H "name: value" |-L |--compressed |-k |
|-H "name:" | | | |
End file

   --- Merek
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost
List admin:
Received on 2015-10-05