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RE: curl HTTP cheat sheet

From: <>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 08:29:50 -0400

> <snip>
> Anyway, I thought I'd see what I could do about that HTTP Cheat Sheet
> ascii format request. Here is my submission. I'll not be offended if
> you don't use it or if you modify it. I made some small changes to
> the order of definitions in order to accommodate 80-column consoles.
> <snip>

Not intending to disappoint you, but I don't use most of the options
you posted.
Now you've done it, you've inspired me to look through the whole curl
man page....

Reorganized it a bit.
Added a bunch of options
Table size is 34 by 80 which should fit in most terminals.

This might be a better table if it was written in latex, but I don't
have the time.
If anyone has suggestions just write.

Thanks, David

List admin:

Received on 2015-10-14