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Re: Using curl with stunnel

From: Config <>
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 16:49:28 -0600

-------- Original Message --------
> On Fri, 7 Mar 2014, Config wrote:
>> Test thru Stunnel:
> C:\Curl\curl_735_0_ssl\curl.exe -O C:\example.txt -v -u myuser:mypw
> pop3://
> In the 2 and half years I've been enhancing the email protocols within curl
> it's not something I've ever tried or come across for that matter :-/
>> Possibly I could use the curl ssl feature, but not sure if
>> I could ever get that figured out.
> I would suggest you try that first as it takes a third party piece of
> software out of the debugging process. For example:
> curl.exe -O C:\example.txt -v -u myuser:mypw pop3s://
> --insecure
> Note:
> [1] - The use of pop3s rather than pop3 as the protocol - the default port
> of which is 995
> [2] - The use of --insecure (short version is -k). This isn't a
> configuration I would recommend but it will get you going, and regularly use
> it myself for quick tests as it bypasses the security checks that are would
> normally be performed in association with --cacert and --capath
> Kind Regards
> Steve
   I am so used to using stunnel that I was trying to go that
direction. However, I just discovered that using curl_735_0_ssl
automatically connects using ssl (I think). My packet sniffer showed
the userID and password was encrypted, at least I couldn't see either in
plain text. That was my main concern. The email message is coming in
un-enceypted however. Not sure how to make a complete ssl connection.
I thought pop3s would force this.

List admin:
Received on 2014-03-07