Re: problems posting weird characters"รงรรณ"
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 21:56:21 -0600
On Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 06:42:20PM +0100, Luis Fernandes wrote:
> As you can see it includes the characters"รณ" and "รง". The problem is that
> when I pass that to curl the those characters get reaplced by "." this is the
> command that I use:
> curl -d @cont.txt --max-redirs 0 -w %{num_redirects} -i --trace-ascii ./
> log.txt -L -b ./cookie.txt -c ./cookie.txt -e "
> simulacao_seguro_automovel.aspx" -D ./header
> s.txt -O
> and this is the header that gets sent:
> ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderMain$Simula........oAutom....velContentPlaceHolderMain1$Wizard1$DropDownListAno
> =2006
How are you determining that those characters are placed by periods? Using
the --trace-ascii output? That output always replaces nonprintable characters
with periods for the purpose of producing an ASCII log. Try using --trace and
looking at the hexadecimal output instead.
>>> Dan
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