New cURL user
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 17:22:51 -0400
I am a graphic design student at Parsons in New York City. I recently
started getting involved in web design and coding, with some
experience in html/css. I found your site because it sounded like a
great way to combine the things I have learned (except the CSS part)
with a useful and practical way of transferring files for people who
are interested in this kind of technology. I downloaded cURL recently,
but I am not sure how to use it. I have no idea how to use a command
line either. If it's not too complicated, could someone teach me how
to do it. Or is there a tutorial on it?
I am also a big fan of open source design and would love to contribute
to this project in any way... perhaps designwise? If you are
interested in changing the look of your site, or any other service I
could offer it would be a great learning experience for me, and would
hopefully contribute to this great project.
Thank you,
Sheila Cannon
Received on 2008-04-21