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error 302 object moved, a little tips

From: clement chazarra <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 20:06:38 +0000


First I would like to thank the people who invest or invested time in this
project, curl/libcurl are great tools, thanks for your work guys!

For a couple of days, I have been stuck on the "error 302 object moved
problem". I was trying to login (which seemed to work, 200 code returned)
after what I tried to make a post request which ended in this error.
After reading all the posts on the matter I was still stuck, so I ended
following the navigation to the query page with curl.

At this point, I realised that if you have a frame pointing to a web address
like .../top.aspx which is display on the page you try to execute your
request on, you first need to connect to top.aspx with curl before you can
send the request.

Sorry if my explanation isn't very clear, to illustrate it:

Phase 1 login -> Phase 2 Query //*This is the bad scenario*
Phase 1 login -> Phase 2 Get ../Top.aspx (my frame present on the request
page) -> Phase 3 Query // *I don'get anymore the error with this scenario*

I may be wrong still, but after my tests that's the conclusion I came to.
Plese tell me if I am wrong.

Received on 2007-12-22