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Re: error 302 object moved, a little tips

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 12:17:41 -0800

On Fri, Dec 21, 2007 at 08:06:38PM +0000, clement chazarra wrote:
> At this point, I realised that if you have a frame pointing to a web address
> like .../top.aspx which is display on the page you try to execute your request
> on, you first need to connect to top.aspx with curl before you can send the
> request.
> Sorry if my explanation isn't very clear, to illustrate it:
> Phase 1 login -> Phase 2 Query //This is the bad scenario
> Phase 1 login -> Phase 2 Get ../Top.aspx (my frame present on the request page)
> -> Phase 3 Query // I don'get anymore the error with this scenario
> I may be wrong still, but after my tests that's the conclusion I came to. Plese
> tell me if I am wrong.

If it works for you, it must be right! A site can do just about anything
it wants as far as navigating its own site goes. The second scenario you
give is a common one, as the site often provides a cookie on the top page
which it then requires the client provide in subsequent requests.

>>> Dan

--              The web change of address service
          Let webmasters know that your web site has moved
Received on 2007-12-22