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RE: connects but then nothing

From: Dorr, Brad <>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 11:02:04 -0400

I tried that also but it did not work either. I can connect using Secure FTP Windows tool or if I go to this WEB site

Does anyone have any more ideas for me to try?


On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 05:12:28PM -0400, Dorr, Brad wrote:
> I am trying to send a file using SSL. It will connect but then does nothing. Can someone help give me direction?
> Below is the command I run and the output from it. I have verbose turned on and show errors. I actually need to send a file but for now I would just like to use the -l option and get back a list of files on their server so I know it works. But it won't return anything, it just sits there after the connect.
> curl --ftp-ssl -Slvu ????:?????

--ftp-ssl and operation on port 990 are almost always mutually exclusive.
In this case, try without the --ftp-ssl but prefixing the host name with

>>> Dan

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Received on 2006-10-06