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RE: Does the -Z option work when using FTP with cURL?

From: Mike Maynard <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 08:30:52 -0600

First, thanks for your assistance!

After more research, it appears the remote FTP server does support the
MDTM command (see below.) It does not appear that cURL is issuing the
MDTM command from the -trace and the -verbose options.

C:\Batch>curl -V
curl 7.11.2 (i386-pc-win32) libcurl/7.11.2 OpenSSL/0.9.7d zlib/1.2.1
Protocols: ftp gopher telnet dict ldap http file https ftps
Features: SSL libz NTLM

Any other suggestions?

=========== snip from session with Remote FTP server===========
ftp> quote feat
211-Features supported:
 COMB target;source_list
 XCRC filename;start;end
 MLST Size*;Modify*;Create;Type*;Unique;Perm*;Lang;Media-Type;CharSet;
211 END
ftp> quit

>> It looks like the server doesn't support MTDM, so even if you get the
curl issues sorted, it still won't work.

I am using
>>> Dan

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Received on 2006-09-22