Does the -Z option work when using FTP with cURL?
From: Mike Maynard <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 15:40:12 -0600
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 15:40:12 -0600
I have been using cURL for 2 years to automatically download a weekly
file from an HTTPS server. I use the -Z option and cURL detects the new
file and downloads the file. This has been working very well.
2 weeks ago the file was moved to an FTP server. According to the man
pages, the -Z option only works with HTTP.
Is there a way to use the -Z option when the protocol is FTP?
The great thing that I like about the -Z option in cURL is that it will
use the date/time of another file to determine if the remote file has
been updated. Is there an alternative to using cURL that would
accomplish the same thing?
Received on 2006-09-21