Re: user id on a url protected by authemtification
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 22:18:25 +0200 (CEST)
On Thu, 8 Sep 2005, Philippe Baudry wrote:
> I have declared as protected /usr/om70/Java/doc/baudry directory in an
> apache server config.
Protected how?
> $ curl -u baudry:philippe --url http://casper:8000/doc/baudry/page.html
> -w @formatHttp
> I have this response , as if i should not have specified the user/pass
You should pay more attention to the headers you get back than on the body
> -u option is it effective on url tests in curl command ? ( as it seems
> to be when reading your documentation)
You can easily verify that by using -v and you'll see how the user and
password credentials are converted and used in the outgoing request.
> In that case, have you an idea why the url request is rejected, even with
> --user parameter values set, and how to implement with curl this feature
Possibly you need to use the correct authentication method.
The server response headers would include details on what it expects from the
-- Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support: on 2005-09-08