cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


user id on a url protected by authemtification

From: Philippe Baudry <>
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 19:09:16 +0200

just a quick question please.

i try to test url connections using basic authentification.

I have declared as protected /usr/om70/Java/doc/baudry directory in an
apache server config. This directory
contains a file page.html . this file is correctly accesible via IE
after entering a user passwd

when starting the command with curl

$ curl -u baudry:philippe --url http://casper:8000/doc/baudry/page.html
-w @formatHttp

I have this response , as if i should not have specified the user/pass

<TITLE>403 Forbidden</TITLE>
You don't have permission to access /doc/baudry/page.html
on this server.<P>
url : http://casper:8000/doc/baudry/page.html
 http_code 403
time_total 0.007
time_connect 0.005
time_pretransfer 0.006
time_starttransfer 0.006
size_download 218
size_upload 0
size_request 279
speed_download 218.000
speed_upload 0.000
content_type text/html; charset=iso-8859-1


-u option is it effective on url tests in curl command ? ( as it seems
to be when reading your documentation)

In that case, have you an idea why the url request is rejected, even
with --user parameter values set, and how
to implement with curl this feature

best regards

Philippe Baudry
Received on 2005-09-08