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RE: Using the FILE protocol

From: Merlin the Wizard <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 20:26:25 +0800

Sorry I kept forgetting to mention that I am trying to get this to in a
Windows Domain environment.

Dave, the reason why I preferred not to map drive is that in a LAN or a fast
WAN environment, I won't need to use it. However, under a slow/unstable Wan
environment, apart from slow reaction, mapping drive also "freezes" the
local machine. So I tried to avoid it if I can.

Dan, you had been able to get both to work under a Windows environment?! I
must have typed something wrong, because the only time I got the file
protocol to work is when I map a drive. Which version of curl are you
using, what options did you set and what Windows environment are you trying
with? Workgroup? NT4 domains? W2K/W2K3 AD domains?

 I tried using :

        curl -C - -O "file://server/sharedrive/folders/file", and several
other combinations

but I could not get it to work with shares or hidden shares.

Got to try these again.

Received on 2005-06-25