cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: Uploading Files

From: Nate <>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 08:22:56 -0700

>I appreicate constructive ideas on how to phrase the docs to make it make
more sense (to everyone).

Yes, I should have been more constructive.

What I am looking for is a real life example for uploading files using cURL
using the various http upload methods put, etc. With each step broken down
and explained and the advantages/disadvantages of each method. I will have
several clients uploading large files and I want it to be stable. Can cURL
give me more speed and reliability then a standard php upload? I can see
using cURL for things like AIM with, but when would you use
cURL upload instead of php upload for example.

Obviously I am a novice here seeking guidance.

Thanks for the response and this awesome tool.

Received on 2005-02-04