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RE: cURL truncating upload file

From: James Smith <>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 13:46:08 +0100

OK, revisiting this old problem I have some new info.

If the attached file is small (say around 3k) then the script runs, starts
curl, curl uploads the file, writes a complete trace, and exits cleanly.

If the attached file is a little larger (around 12k) then the script runs,
starts curl, curl uploads the complete file BUT the trace file is short and
curl never exits, it will sit there as a background process until I
terminate it manually.

If the attached file is larger still (over 40k) then the script funs, starts
curl, curl uploads some of the file (varies slightly each time), the trace
file is truncated, and curl never exits.

This suggests to me that curl is having some issues, however....

Does any one have any idea what might be causing this?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of James Smith
> Sent: 24 September 2004 14:51
> To: 'curl tool talk'
> Subject: RE: cURL truncating upload file
> > If you think there's any value in sending it to another 
> server, I've 
> > got a old laptop with Apache+SSL.  Shouldn't be too hard to bang 
> > together a PHP script to receive the file.
> That is something to look at sometime next week maybe if I 
> can't get anywhere with amazon.
> > Only problem with that is, Amazon may have some kind of 
> > upload-limiting feature, and that wouldn't be duplicated here.
> Amazon assure me that 5000 products shouldn't be a problem 
> and some of their customers are uploading 4 times that 
> (although not necessarily with cURL).
> > One thing Daniel didn't ask - do you *know* that the upload should 
> > work??  I.e., have you succeeded uploading that same file using a 
> > browser?  If a browser can't do it, curl may not be able to either.
> Yes, the file uploads fine from IE.
> > I'm supposed to be asleep right now, but if you want to try 
> my server, 
> > drop me a note and I'll see about putting a receiver 
> together tonight.
> Thanks.
> --
> Jay
Received on 2004-10-05