Re: Big problems with EPSV
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 19:35:29 +0200
le 26/05/04 19:16, Eric VERGNAUD à a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've always encountered big problems with EPSV so I simply took the habit of
> disabling it.
> Now one of my users needs to connect to a server which supports EPSV but not
> The initial connection on port 21 works fine. Then curl sends an EPSV
> command. The reply is:
> 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||82|)
> The subsequent connection on port 82 ALWAYS fails.
> When connecting from IE, the connection works fine, so my guess is that the
> secondary socket requires specific settings in order to succeed.
> Any clue ?
The RFC 2426 says:
3. The EPSV Command
The EPSV command requests that a server listen on a data port and
wait for a connection. The EPSV command takes an optional argument.
The response to this command includes only the TCP port number of the
listening connection. The format of the response, however, is
similar to the argument of the EPRT command. This allows the same
parsing routines to be used for both commands. In addition, the
format leaves a place holder for the network protocol and/or network
address, which may be needed in the EPSV response in the future. The
response code for entering passive mode using an extended address
MUST be 229. The interpretation of this code, according to [PR85]
2yz Positive Completion
x2z Connections
xy9 Extended Passive Mode Entered
The text returned in response to the EPSV command MUST be:
<text indicating server is entering extended passive mode> \
The portion of the string enclosed in parentheses MUST be the exact
string needed by the EPRT command to open the data connection, as
specified above.
Does this mean the ftp client MUST issue an EPRT command after receiving a
successful EPSV reply ?
In that case, could it be that the EPRT command should be sent BEFORE
attempting to establish the secondary connection on the port returned by
EPSV, so that the server indeed opens that port ?
Eric VERGNAUD - JLynx Software
Cutting-edge technologies and
services for software companies
Received on 2004-05-26