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Re: Question - curl HTTPS and autentication

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 00:38:36 +0200 (CEST)

On Fri, 19 Sep 2003, Farah Rouhanizadeh wrote:

> I am sending HTTPS requests from a host that is located behind Firewall to a
> server on the outside.
> Cisco PIX Firewall is configured for ACS authentication command.
> This is how I am using the command. I do not get my actual HTTPS page,
> instead I get below page.
> [snoopy@iLinux]# curl -u test2:cisco1
> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Authentication Proxy Login Page</TITLE>


> <FORM name="AuthenF orm" method=post action=""
> target="pxywindow1"><input ty pe=hidden name=au_pxytimetag
> value="242250150">Username: <input type=text name=u name><BR><BR>Password:
> <input type=password name=pwd><BR><BR><input type=submit name=ok value=OK
> onClick="return submitreload()"></H1></FORM>

Eeek. This page seems to want you to fill in your user name and password in a
form to POST it. Then you can't just -u your name and password. Try -d, and
read up on posts first.

> curl: (18) transfer closed with 34 bytes remaining to read

This indicates that the server is being bad.

> If I use the same command but do not use authentication, I see my page.
> [snoopy@iLinux]#curl

Sorry, but this isn't because of curl, but because of how that server is setup
to respond to the particular requests you send to it.

> Question: Why in case of HTTPS request, curl does not by pass authentication
> automatically and show me the actual page?

It does. You can easily check this yourself by using the -v option.

 Daniel Stenberg -- curl: been grokking URLs since 1998
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Received on 2003-09-22