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Question - curl HTTPS and autentication

From: Farah Rouhanizadeh <>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 10:35:00 -0700
Hi Curl Users,

I am very new using curl command and I hope someone out there can help me.

I am sending HTTPS requests from a host that is located behind Firewall to a server on the outside.

Cisco PIX Firewall is configured for ACS authentication command.

This is how I am using the command. I do not get my actual HTTPS page, instead I get below page.
[snoopy@iLinux]# curl -u test2:cisco1

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Authentication Proxy Login Page</TITLE><script language="Java
Script"><!-- Begin
var pxypromptwindow1;var pxysubmitted = false;function doreload() {if(pxypromptw
indow1.closed) {window.location.reload(true);} else {reloadtimeout=setTimeout("d
oreload()", 500);}}function submitreload() {if(pxysubmitted == false) {pxyprompt'', 'pxywindow1','resizable=no,width=300,height=300,scrollba
rs=yes');reloadtimeout=setTimeout("doreload()", 1000);pxysubmitted = true;return
 true;} else {alert("This page can not be submitted twice.");return false;}}// -
<BODY onLoad="document.AuthenForm.uname.focus()" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#ffcc00
" ALINK="#ffffff" VLINK="#ffcc00" ><H1> <BR><BR>  <BR><BR><p><FORM name="AuthenF
orm" method=post action="" target="pxywindow1"><input ty
pe=hidden name=au_pxytimetag value="242250150">Username: <input type=text name=u
name><BR><BR>Password: <input type=password name=pwd><BR><BR><input type=submit
name=ok value=OK onClick="return submitreload()"></H1></FORM></script></BODY></H

curl: (18) transfer closed with 34 bytes remaining to read

If I use the same command but do not use authentication, I see my page.

Welcome to the Java(TM) 2 Platform

<h2>Welcome to the Java<SUP><FONT SIZE=-2>TM</FONT></SUP> 2 Platform</h2>
Welcome to the Java<SUP><FONT SIZE=-2>TM</FONT></SUP> 2 Standard Edition Runtime
 Environment.  This
provides complete runtime support for Java 2 applications.
The runtime environment includes the Java<SUP><FONT SIZE=-2>TM</FONT></SUP> Plug
-in product which supports
running the Java 2 environment inside web browsers.

See the <a href=>Java
 Plug-in</a> product
documentation for more information on using the Java Plug-in product.
See the <a href=>Java 2 Platform</a> web site
for more information on the Java 2 Platform.
<font size="-2">Copyright  2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle,
Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.<BR>All rights reserved.</font>
I can also successfully tsend HTTP requests with authentication.

Command such as:

curl -u  test2:cisco1   works fine.

Question: Why in case of HTTPS request, curl does not by pass authentication automatically and show me the
actual page?

Thanks a bunch for your help,

------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. Received on 2003-09-21