Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 02:01:51 -0500
This is just a wild guess, you understand... If you're trying to post
encrypted data to a web server, you probably need to encode it so that
it's more-or-less pure alphanumeric ASCII, otherwise the web server
might do something silly with it. Curl doesn't do this for you, so
you'll need to find something (or write something) to do it for you.
Or it might be a different problem altogether... You could check it out
by temporarily passing a simple ASCII string, such as "ABCDEFGH12345678"
and see if it makes it though intact.
BTW, even if your encrypted data is all alphanumeric, if you're sending
a struct that holds a 'size' int you're sending binary...
Ralph Mitchell
Dhanvi Kapila wrote:
>Hi Friends ,
>I am new to the list..
>I am using cURL here at my work place for sending and reading data between a
>client and server. All the data interaction between is encrypted.
>I am using the CURLOPT_READFUNCTION option of cURL api to send data to the
>I am provding below a snippet of my code for reference.. I am not sure where
>I am goin wrong in ... when the server reads the data .. I get a "could not
>decrypt packet" error
>-- code snippet -----
>typedef struct CBIGSTRING_T
> CBigString cbs; /* this contains 2 fields.. 1) char *inputString, 2)
>long size.. The "inputString" contains the actual encrypted data and "size"
>is the size of the payload */
> long offset;
> pool *p; /* Apache resource pool */
>CBigString_t cbst_in ;
>/* filling in the variale with the encrypted content. */
> = (char *)malloc( totalRead +1); /* allocating
>storage */
> = (char *)memcpy( ,
>actualStr , totalRead ); /*copying the encrypted data as is from the
>tempBuffer given to me by Apache*/
>[totalRead] = '\0'; /* terminating the encrypted
> = totalRead;
>cbst_in.offset = 0;
>cbst_in.p = p;
>curl_easy_setopt( realmHandle , CURLOPT_READFUNCTION ,
>Curl_SendDataToServer ); /* function to send data to the server*/
>curl_easy_setopt( realmHandle , CURLOPT_READDATA , &cbst_in ); /*
>variable contains the encrypted packet */
>static int Curl_SendDataToServer(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
>CBigString_t *in)
> LogTrace( in->p , " ----------> Entering Curl_SendDataToServer
> if (in == NULL) {
> return -1;
> }
> long xfer = nmemb * size ;
> /* Check if the size presented by CURL is greated than that actually
>needs to be copied */
> LogDebug( in->p , " [ OFFSET, SIZE ] => [ %d , %d ] ", in->offset ,
> if( xfer >= (in->cbs.size - in->offset) )
> {
> xfer = (in->cbs.size - in->offset) ;
> }
> if( in->offset < in->cbs.size )
> {
> buffer = memcpy( (char *)buff, in->cbs.inputString + in->offset,
>xfer );
> in->offset += xfer; /* reflect the updated offset value.. which says
>stores how much has been read from the encrypted payload. */
> }
> else
> {
> xfer = -1;
> }
> LogDebug( in->p , " BUFFER SIZE : %d, %d , |%s| ", size*nmemb, xfer,
> LogTrace( in->p , " ----------> Leaving Curl_SendDataToServer
> return xfer;
>---- end of code -----
>when I do a tcpdump of the arrived packet and the dispatched packet.. the
>packet data dont match.. hence the error is when I am sending the data using
>this piece of code.. please help me.. I am at a loss to find out the
>Awaiting your replies.. Thank you for your help and time.
>-Dhanvi Kapila
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This SF.Net email sponsored by: Parasoft
Error proof Web apps, automate testing & more.
Download & eval WebKing and get a free book.
Received on 2003-07-10